Meet our West Fork White River's Freshwater Stream Fish
The 2020 Bureau of Water Quality Annual Fish Community Report recorded 65 species of fish found in the many streams (~250 miles!) of Delaware County, Indiana.
Please note: this page is still in-progress. Check back for more illustrations & fish facts about our colorful river dwellers!

Bluegills are known for their blue gills!

Aquatic invertebrate = animals with no backbone (worms, snails, crayfish, insect larvae)
Forage = to search for food
Larva = juvenile form of an insect (caterpillar, grub)
Mouth, subterminal = ventral mouth; turned downward
Mouth, terminal = located in the middle of the head, points forward; jaws the same length
Opercular = a hard, bony flap that covers & protects the gills of a bony fish
Pollution intolerant (sensitive species) = organisms that cannot survive in poor water quality
Pollution tolerant = organisms that can survive in poor water quality
Riffle = shallow, fast moving sections of a stream where rocks break the water surface (adds oxygen to water)
Tubercle = skin nodules (lumps) made of keratin
Can't find a word you're looking for? Check out the glossary for more terms & resources.
Lepomis megalotis
Other common names: sunperch, pumpkinseed, creek perch
Kingdom = Animalia (animals)
Phylum = Chordata (chordates)
Subphylum = Vertebrata (vertebrates)
Class = Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes)
Order = Centrarchiformes (basses)
Family = Centrarchidae (sunfishes)
Genus = Lepomis
Length = up to 280 mm (about 11")
Lifespan = 6 years
Mouth = moderate-sized
Fins = spiny dorsal with 10 spines
Colors = blue/green sides; yellow/orange belly
Other = elongated opercular flap (a "long ear")
Diet = insects, aquatic invertebrates, small fishes
Habitat = slow moving streams, with a clear gravel bottom & dense plants

This species is sensitive; pollution intolerant.
Nocomis micropogon
Other common names:
Kingdom = Animalia (animals)
Phylum = Chordata (chordates)
Subphylum = Vertebrata (vertebrates)
Class = Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes)
Order = Cypriniformes (carps)
Family = Cyprinidae (minnows)
Genus = Nocomis

Length = up to 245mm (about 10")
Lifespan = 5 years
Mouth = large; slightly subterminal
Fins = 8 dorsal fin rays
Colors = olive green, with orange/red fins; males can be pink/purple/blue when breeding
Other = long snout; small eyes; tubercles on head
Diet = insects, aquatic invertebrates, algae, plants,
Habitat = swift small-medium sized rivers with clear, gravel or rocky bottoms; builds nests

This species is sensitive; pollution intolerant.
Cyprinella spiloptera
Other common names: silver-finned minnow, satin-finned minnow
Kingdom = Animalia (animals)
Phylum = Chordata (chordates)
Subphylum = Vertebrata (vertebrates)
Class = Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes)
Order = Cypriniformes (carps)
Family = Cyprinidae (carps + minnows)
Genus = Pogonichthyinae

Length = up to 106mm (about 4")
Lifespan = 5 years
Mouth = terminal
Fins = 8 anal fin rays
Colors = black on last 3 dorsal fins; males become gray-blue with yellow fins
Other = diamond shaped scales, outlined in black; small tubercles on head
Diet = insects, aquatic invertebrates
Habitat = small-medium rivers, with a sandy or gravel bottom
This species is pollution tolerant.
Etheostoma caeruleum
Other common names:
Kingdom = Animalia (animals)
Phylum = Chordata (chordates)
Subphylum = Vertebrata (vertebrates)
Class = Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes)
Order = Perciformes (perch-like)
Family = Percidae (perches)
Genus = Etheostomatinae

Length = up to 68mm (about 2.5")
Lifespan = 3 years
Mouth = restricted movement
Fins = straight tail; 2 dorsal fins
Colors = brown-olive green, orange-red, & blue-green; males are more colorful
Other = 8 - 13 blue-green bands on dorsal side
Diet = larvae, mayfly nymphs, fish eggs
Habitat = fast riffles in creeks, small rivers, & streams, with sandy or gravel bottom
This species is sensitive; pollution intolerant.
Percina caprodes
Other common names: common logperch, zebra fish
Kingdom = Animalia (animals)
Phylum = Chordata (chordates)
Subphylum = Vertebrata (vertebrates)
Class = Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes)
Order = Perciformes (perch-like)
Family = Percidae (perches)
Genus = Percina
Length = up to 200mm (about 8")
Lifespan = 3 years
Mouth = subterminal
Fins = 2 dorsal fins
Colors = pale yellow/brown/green with black tiger-like pattern
Other = travel alone or in small groups; flips over stones with its snout
Diet = larvae, mayflies, caddisflies, fish eggs (flips over stones with its snout to forage)
Habitat = shallow, fast riffles in creeks, rivers, streams & reservoirs; sandy or gravel bottom

This species is sensitive; pollution intolerant.
Luxilus chrysocephalus
Other common names:
Kingdom = Animalia (animals)
Phylum = Chordata (chordates)
Subphylum = Vertebrata (vertebrates)
Class = Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes)
Order = Cypriniformes (carps, minnows, loaches)
Family = Cyprinidae (minnows)
Genus = Luxilus

Length = up to 130 mm (about 5")
Lifespan = 4 years
Mouth = large, terminal
Fins = milky-clear;
Colors = silvery scales; olive green, gold; pink (males)
Other = deep-bodied; stripes
Diet = insects, aquatic invertebrates, algae, plants
Habitat = flowing streams with clean gravel or rock bottom; dense plants

This species is sensitive; pollution intolerant.
Hypentelium nigricans
Other common names: hogsucker, hogmolly, hognose sucker, hog mullet, stoneroller, box head
Kingdom = Animalia (animals)
Phylum = Chordata (chordates)
Subphylum = Vertebrata (vertebrates)
Class = Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes)
Order = Cypriniformes (carps, minnows, loaches)
Family = Catostomidae (suckers)
Genus = Hypentelium
Length = up to 610mm (24")
Lifespan = 11 years
Mouth = tip of snout, bottom
Fins = tail is forked
Colors = olive green, brown, white; dark & light stripes
Other = square, bony head; overturns rocks with its snout
Diet = insects, larvae, aquatic invertebrates, algae
Habitat = clear, fast-flowing creeks, streams, & rivers; rocky riffles

This species is sensitive; pollution intolerant.
Lepomis macrochirus
Other common names: blue sunfish, sunperch, copperbelly, plumb granny
Kingdom = Animalia (animals)
Phylum = Chordata (chordates)
Subphylum = Vertebrata (vertebrates)
Class = Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes)
Order = Centrarchiformes (basses)
Family = Centrarchidae (sunfishes)
Genus = Lepomis
Length = up to 410mm (about 16")
Lifespan = 4 - 6 years
Mouth = small
Fins = tail slightly forked, rounded
Colors = olive green, yellow; blue & purple gills
Other = most active at dawn; black ear flap
Diet = insects, shrimp, small fishes, worms, snails, plants
Habitat = lakes; slow-moving streams with a rocky bottom

This species is sensitive; pollution intolerant.
Micropterus dolomieu
Other common names: smallmouth, black bass, brown bass, bronzeback, redeye bass
Kingdom = Animalia (animals)
Phylum = Chordata (chordates)
Subphylum = Vertebrata (vertebrates)
Class = Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes)
Order = Centrarchiformes (basses)
Family = Centrarchidae (sunfishes)
Genus = Micropterus
Length = up to 500mm (20")
Lifespan = 6 - 14 years
Mouth = large; upper jaw stops at eye
Fins = spiny dorsal with 9 - 11 spines
Colors = olive green, gold, brown; yellow-white belly
Other = 8 - 16 dark vertical stripes on side; red-brown eyes
Diet = insects, aquatic invertebrates, amphibians, small fishes
Habitat = cool rivers, lakes, & reservoirs with rocky or sandy bottom; use structures (logs, rocks, piers)

This species is sensitive; pollution intolerant.
thanks for learning about our local fish!
a note from the artist + developer:

happy learning! – kort
hello! this page is in-progress – our local waterways have many more freshwater stream fish left for me to paint, so keep checking back for new fish & other content to learn, create, explore, collab, & enjoy.
in the meantime, use the sources & helpful links below to study fish!
Muncie Sanitary District Bureau of Water Quality
2020 Bureau of Water Quality Annual Fish Community Report (March 2021 Drew Holloway, Fisheries Biologist, BWQ)
Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR)
Animal Information Series - Bluegill (Indiana Division of Fish & Wildlife)
Other Fish Resources